Labour Unions

Together you are not alone.

Trade union vs. works council

Trade Union

  • Represents the interests of employees in one or more sectors.
  • Is not tied to a single company.
  • Negotiates collective agreements (e.g. salary, working hours, holiday entitlement).

Works Council

  • Is elected by the employees of a company.
  • Represents the interests of the employees of this company vis-à-vis the management.
  • Negotiates directly with the management.
  • Often works closely with trade unions. Many works councils are also members of a trade union.

What is a Trade Union?

In a trade union, employees from different companies join together to campaign for better working conditions and fair wages.

  • There are no company trade unions in Germany, as there are in Poland, for example. Instead, the trade unions here are organised across all sectors and are independent of the state and political parties.
  • Nobody is allowed to forbid employees from organising themselves into a trade union or discriminate against them because of this.
  • Membership of a trade union is a fundamental right in Germany.

The most important points in brief:

  • Independence: Trade unions in Germany are independent of political parties.
  • Openness: They are open to all employees, including temporary workers.
  • Confidentiality: Your membership remains secret.
  • Services: Trade unions offer labour law advice and legal protection.
  • Sector organisation: Trade unions are organised by sector. Which trade union is right for you depends on your sector.

Why is it worth becoming a member of a trade union?

  • Individual support
    • Trade unions offer their members advice on labour and social law.
    • Members are entitled to:
      • Free legal advice, e.g. in the event of dismissal, loss of work or an accident at work (usually after three months of membership).
      • Strike pay in the event of a strike.
  • Collective benefits
    • Trade unions negotiate collective agreements with employers' organisations that regulate the following aspects:
      • Salary
      • weekly working hours
      • holiday entitlement
      • bonuses

What does trade union membership cost?

  • Trade unions are financed exclusively by membership fees.
  • The fee is usually 1 % of your gross salary and is debited directly from your account.
  • Important: The employer will not find out about your membership if you do not want it.

How do trade unions enforce demands?

  1. Negotiations: Trade unions first negotiate their demands with the employers' organisations.
  2. Strike: A strike is the last resort to enforce demands.
    • Only trade unions in Germany are allowed to call or organise a strike.

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