Fair Mobility helps to enforce fair wages and fair working conditions for employees from Central and Eastern European EU states on the German labour market. Political responsibility for Fair Mobility lies with the DGB Federal Executive Board.
Fair Mobility started in 2011 as a trade union-affiliated project in which advice centres were gradually set up to provide mobile workers with information, advice and support on labour and social law in their native languages.
Fair Mobility now works at 12 locations. The staff there cooperate with the trade unions and advice centres of regional organisations. They are part of a nationwide network providing labour law advice to EU citizens. Since August 2020, the DGB has been legally entitled to funding from the federal budget to continue and expand Fair Mobility.
Improving working conditions and enforcing fair wages for employees from Central and Eastern European countries on the German labour market
- Establishment and maintenance of advice centres where mobile workers from other EU countries can receive information, advice and support on labour law in their native languages
- Public relations work to improve information and knowledge about the situation of mobile workers on the German labour market
- Development and implementation of training measures for counsellors, staff and works councils
Partner organisations
DGB Federal Executive Committee (overall responsibility), bfw - Berufsfortbildungswerk des DGB, European Migrant Workers Union, PCG - Project Consult GmbH, DGB Bildungswerk BUND, Federal Executive Committee of the Food, Beverages and Catering Union (NGG), IG Metall administrative office Ingolstadt, IG Metall Berlin-Brandenburg-Saxony
Co-operation partners
- Arbeit und Leben (Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Workers' Welfare Munich
- Company chaplaincy Stuttgart-Rottenburg
- Church service in the world of work Mannheim
- Saarland Chamber of Labour
- DGB Education Centre Thuringia
- DGB districts and regions
- Individual trade unions of the DGB
We have a total of 12 counselling locations: Berlin, Grünheide/Brandenburg, Kiel, Oldenburg, Erfurt, Frankfurt a. M., Dortmund, Munich, Mannheim, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Freiburg i. Br.
Fair Mobility is coordinated from Berlin.
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (90 percent), Federal Executive Committee of the DGB (10 percent)
Advisory board
Allgaier, Antonius - Industrial Union for Construction, Agriculture and the Environment (IG BAU)
Bernhard, Thomas - Head of the Meat Products Division, Food, Catering and Allied Workers' Union (NGG)
Dandea, Petru Sorin - Vice President, National Trade Union Confederation (Cartel ALFA) Romania
Dimitrov, Plamen - President, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (KNSB/CITUB), Bulgaria
Dumitru, Costin - President, National Trade Union Bloc (BNS), Romania
N.N. - Equal Treatment Body for EU Workers
Götz, Ralf - Executive Board of IG Metall (IGM)
Khan, Romin - Migration Policy Officer, Federal Administration of the United Services Union (ver.di)
Knappstein, Klaus - Berufsfortbildungswerk Gemeinnützige Bildungseinrichtung des DGB GmbH (bfw)
Krätsch, Constanze - IG Metall (IGM)
Kulozik, Stefan - Head of the Labour and Qualification Department of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MAGS NRW)
Mitov, Vesselin - International Secretary of the Confederation of Labour PODKREPA (PODKREPA), Bulgaria
N.N. - Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE)
N.N. - Railway and Transport Workers' Union (EVG)
Novosel, Mladen - President of the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia (SSSH), Croatia
Olbrys, Piotr - Member of the Presidium, Independent Self-governing Trade Union Confederation (NSZZ Solidarność), Poland
Ostrowski, Piotrek - All-Poland Trade Union Confederation (OPZZ), Poland
Piel, Anja - Member of the DGB Executive Committee