The Fair Mobility advisory network has been stabilised. This has been accompanied by a significant increase in political demands. Trade unionists have come together in an independent "Fair Mobility Support Network" in order to better facilitate their handling. These are experienced trade unionists who have networks and a wide range of contacts, have been involved in Fair Mobility for a long time and are very familiar with the situation on the labour market in Germany and Europe. They work in close coordination with the management of the counselling network and the DGB Federal Executive Board.
The support network includes
Annelie Buntenbach
Jan Cremers
Frank Schmidt-Hullmann
Micha Heilmann
Marika Varga
Sarah Benke-Åberg
Anne Karrass
Fair without borders
One focus of the support network is the commitment to permanent EU funding for trade union-related support and advice structures for cross-border mobile workers and labour migrants. In addition to information on labour and social law in the country of work, they need access to individual advice and support in asserting their rights.
To this end, the supporters' network calls for comprehensive counselling services throughout the EU that are closely linked to trade union structures, transnationally networked and designed for the long term (no temporary projects!).
The promotion of a fair European labour market is a public task. Trade union-related counselling services to support mobile workers and migrant workers must therefore be permanently financed at European level through a separate budget line
This initiative is supported by the European trade union family.
Flyer: Fair without borders
Protection against labour exploitation needs trade union-based advisory structures - Europe-wide!
Fair Europe, English Download PDF
Fair Europe, German Download PDF
Considerations on the establishment of a Europe-wide counselling and support network for cross-border mobile workers and labour migrants from third countries
In order to come closer to the goal of rights-based internal migration - as set out in the acquis for a social Europe - the EU Commission should provide sufficient funds to set up and maintain an appropriate number of trade union-related advice centres for cross-border mobile workers and labour migrants in the EU countries. This advisory infrastructure should provide advice on labour and social law issues and support the target groups in enforcing their labour rights - if necessary - across national borders. The advice centres in the countries should work closely with the trade unions and the European Trade Union Federations and form a transnational advice structure across the board. Close cooperation with the European Labour Authority (ELA) should be established and maintained. You can find further concrete ideas on the establishment of a Europe-wide network of trade union advice centres here in German and English.
on the role of trade unions in supporting mobile migrant workers
In February 2023, Jan Cremers (Tilburg Law School) was commissioned by the Hans Böckler Foundation to publish the study Supporting mobile labour migrants - the role of the trade union movement. In it, he describes and discusses the tasks that are attributed to and accepted by trade unions in the context of the implementation of the free movement of workers and cross-border labour migration in the EU and the challenges that arise from this. The study contributes to the debate on how and in what form trade union activities can better protect the interests of mobile labour migrants.
Summary of the study
Abstract, English Download PDF
Abstract, German Download PDF
Abridged version, French Download PDF
Abridged version, Italian Download PDF
Abstract, Romanian Download PDF
Kurzfassung_Polnisch.pdf Download PDF
Trade union demands that can be derived from the study
Forderungen_Englisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Deutsch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Bosnisch-Kroatisch-Serbisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Bulgarisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Französisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Polnisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Rumänisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Slowenisch.pdf Download PDF
Forderungen_Ungarisch.pdf Download PDF

We have had good experiences with fair mobility in Germany in the fight against labour exploitation.